My career in psychotherapy and public health began at Brandeis University where I took my BA in psychology. One of my mentors there was Abraham Maslow who at the time was the chair of the psychology department. I credit my life long affinity to Humanistic Psychology to my undergraduate experience in Dr. Maslow's department.
From Brandeis I attended Southern Connecticut State Umiversity for an MS in Counseling and additional studyin School Psychology. After work in agencies, psychiatric hospitals and clinics I went on to the Yale Public Health School where I completed n MPH in Health Services Administration, with a focus in Mental Health.
Much of my clinical interest and experiener has been with straight and gay young adults. I work with people who have difficulties in managing anxiety depression and and addictions as well as issues around sexuality, relationship, work, school and career.
My early experience was in vocational rehabilitation and I have developed my skills i career counseling over the years. Clinical I have seen the range of problems from adjustment disorders to severe mental illness, and work closely with physicians, case managers and others as needed to formulate a comprehensive approach to treatment.
In addition to my work as a psychotherapist, I have worked as an administrator in behavioral health and long term care for over 30 years. I offer attorneys for the plaintiff or defense expert consultation in the regulatory standard of care from the perspective of administration. in cases of wrongful injury.
The specific administrative expertise I offer centers on an understanding of Federal and State regulation and Accreditation bodies as it affects institutional policy and procedure.
My background in long term care facilities, psychiatric hospitals and drug and alcohol treatment facilities has included numerous surveys with state, federal and agency regulators.
I have been responsible for organizing and implementing policies and procedures in preparation for initial surveys for the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Facilities in all of those environments. For Additional information and links, please go to:
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